Announcements: There will be no school tomorrow (Wednesday, March 5). The water company will be fixing a leak. This means students and staff should not be on campus during the day. The activity bus will run that evening. Thursday is a half day and busses will run at 12:10 PM. This is the end of the 3rd quarter. Grades will be posted shortly thereafter in the portal. Also, Spring Break is the week of March 10-14.

VUHS Spring Break is next week!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER..... see under Public Health Notice. Thank you








Welcome to the Valley Union High School District #22 website. We are located in the community of Elfrida, AZ in Southeastern Arizona approximately 25 miles north of Douglas, AZ. Valley Union High School serves students from five elementary school districts; Ash Creek Elementary, Double Adobe Elementary, Elfrida Elementary, McNeal Elementary, and Pearce Elementary as well as students from many communities in Southeastern Cochise County.



Encourage all students to graduate as self-sufficient, creative thinkers who contribute to society.



Valley Union High School's mission by utilizing the knowledge and skills of all individuals involved, establish a safe, productive learning environment where students are encouraged to become self-motivated learners who are willing to work and collaborate with their peers, school, and community.










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